This 2 little cute girls are the legendary twin sisters from Defence of the ainciants (Dota 2)
Lina is capable of manipulating the fires while rylai can manipulate the icy powers.
Lina is the older sister.
When they are young, Lina and Rylai was seperated because they possess different powers.
And then after 15 years their parents died because of the war of the mages.
Lina and Rylai's mother is a pyromantress and the princess of misrule kingdom.
She was exiled after knowing by his father that she has a love with one which is not a misrulean.
It is stated in the laws of misrule that a misrulean shouldnt marry a man/woman having a different power.
Their father is a cryomancer from the icy kingdom of icewrack.
He was once a warden but he left the icewrack unattended.
It all started in the first phase of war of the mages.
Their love and power has no boundaries that's why they left their resposibility and live far away from their home.
In dota 1..
When the 2 recieve a invitation to fight for the dire and radiant war, lina joined forces to the dire side and rylai to the radiant side.
Since its a war, they should fight till death, showing who is the most powerful.
But.. In dota 2, they both are in radiant side.
Maybe It is possible, since they are sisters, their love to each other wont fade away.
CrystalMaiden by Polina Shlyachina (Russia)
Lina by Sabnaken (Russia)
photo by PUGOFFKA (Ukraine)
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