Dota 2 Bane Cosplay TI7 by Jenny eykorr

When it comes to dota 2 cosplays, Dota 2 TI (dota 2 the international) is the biggest event so far.

Even its big and there are tons of cosplays in the eventm only selected few will go to the main stage event.
So they have to ditch lots of interesting cosplays and probably will never reach the people who watch from home.

And this particular cosplay is one of them. "Bane Elemental" by Jenny (@eykorr)

Here are her words.

"I'm still a relatively small cosplayer so looking back there's a lot of things I would have liked to add or change! But it was so fun cosplaying at TI again, the whole cosplay community was awesome!! I haven't really been active on many things for dota lately and honestly going and cosplaying was awesome and welcoming and it felt like I never left at all!! I know this is way late now but if anyone took pictures with or of me, I'd love to see them!! Thanks!"

Bane's Story

When the gods have nightmares, it is Bane Elemental who brings them. Also known as Atropos, Bane was born from the midnight terrors of the goddess Nyctasha. A force of terror too powerful to be contained by sleep, he surfaced from her slumbers, fed upon her immortality, and stole his vaporous form from her inky blood. He is the essence of fear. Mortals who hear his voice hear their darkest secrets whispered in their ear. He calls to the hidden fear in every Hero's heart. Wakefulness is no protection, for Bane's black blood, continuously dripping, is a tar that traps his enemies in nightmare. In the presence of Bane, every Hero remembers to fear the dark. 

Jenny (@eykorr)

Photos by PGL

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